The Shellfish Strategic Initiative is excited to announce a public comment period for the updated Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy.
We talk about the importance of habitat protection and restoration in Puget Sound all the time at the Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead (HSIL). Forests, wetlands, streams, floodplains, estuaries, beaches and marine vegetation need protection from development, and in many cases, restored after decades of degradation. But how do we identify which habitats are healthy and
Open Now The Stormwater SIL is excited to announce a new funding opportunity for programs, activities, and lines of work that advance Puget Sound recovery and protection. This funding opportunity for EPA Puget Sound Geographic funds will be solicited through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFPs), see below: Stormwater SIL RFP to reduce Toxics in
The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead announces $14 million in Puget Sound habitat recovery investments.
The Shellfish Strategic Initiative is pleased to announce the funding recommendation for the Request for Proposals (RFP) to reduce fecal pollution to increase harvestable shellfish acreage in Puget Sound.
Our community celebrates the life of Ken Balcomb, the founder of the Center for Whale Research, who died recently, and who spent his life devoted to protecting Killer Whales and their connection to our past and future.
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