The Puget Sound Strategic Initiative Leads (SILs) are pleased to announce the release of the Habitat chapter of the joint Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan.
The Plan highlights investment areas across the SILs that will be the focus of competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) grant processes to award EPA Puget Sound Geographic Program Funds to the Puget Sound recovery community.
![Puget Sound kelp Kelp in Puget Sound](
The Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan consists of a suite of Investment Priorities developed and endorsed by the SIL Advisory Teams to accelerate recovery through processes established in the EPA Funding Guidance to the SILs. The Shellfish and Stormwater chapters of the 2023 Investment Plan were released in July.
The Habitat Strategic Initiative Advisory Team has directed $11 million in EPA Puget Sound Geographic Program funds toward five Investment Priorities. These investments will advance critical work necessary to achieve progress towards the goal of intact, functioning habitat as measured by the Puget Sound Vital Signs and indicators for Streams and Floodplains, Forest and Wetlands, Estuaries, and Beaches and Marine Vegetation.
The Habitat Investment Priorities will also specifically work to meet capacity, implementation and research needs necessary for advancing the Habitat Implementation Strategies.
The Habitat Investment priorities include:
A: Increase capacity and workforce development to meet Puget Sound habitat recovery goals
B: Local support for habitat protection, monitoring, and adaptive management
C: New science, synthesis, and analysis for improved protection and restoration of kelp and eelgrass in Puget Sound
D: Restoration effectiveness of soft shore alternatives to hard armor
E: HSIL-Hosted recovery community engagement
E.1: Understanding and planning for sea level rise and climate related hazards to shorelines in Puget Sound
E.2: Increased marine vegetation awareness and support through place-based community leader engagement
E.3: Integrating across the terrestrial-nearshore-marine interface to scale up nearshore habitat restoration and protection
RFPs based on Investment Priorities A through D will be released during the first six months of 2024 and information will be available on the Habitat SIL RFP webpage. The Habitat SIL will be engaging the Puget Sound recovery community through workshops or other opportunities under Investment Priority E to further develop the scope and content for additional investments through 2025.
Did you know?
Did you know that the Strategic Initiative Advisory Teams play an important role in guiding the development of the Investment Priorities? Members of the SIL Advisory Teams represent a broad range of expertise and perspectives from around the Puget Sound who share an interest in supporting the SILs in identifying key opportunities for advancing Puget Sound recovery outcomes. SILs will be recruiting for new Advisory Team members later this fall.