The Shellfish Strategic Initiative is pleased to announce the funding recommendation for the Request for Proposals (RFP) to reduce impacts of Wastewater Treatment Plant outfalls to increase harvestable shellfish acreage in Puget Sound (Investment Priority D).
View the complete Shellfish SIL FFY2021-2022 investment list here: Investment List for Shellfish Beds FFY21-22 Investment Priorities A-D.
This RFP focused on Investment Priority D of the FFY2021-2022 Strategic Initiative Lead Investment Plan: Integrate shellfish bed classification priorities in municipal and industrial wastewater facility function, planning and/or upgrades in urban and urbanizing areas to reduce disease-causing bacteria and viruses impacting the Shellfish Beds Vital Sign target.
The awards total $1,021,500 across three subrecipients.
- City of Blaine Shellfish Restoration Project: Complete feasibility, design, and preliminary engineering work on five related projects directed at improving the overall performance of the Lighthouse Point Water Reclamation Facility (LPWRF). These actions target known issues which today lead to the permanent closure of 260 acres of public and Treaty U&A shellfish grounds in the vicinity of the plant’s outfall in Semiahmoo Bay and have, on occasion, caused the emergency closures of all commercial and recreational harvesting in Drayton Harbor for weeks at a time. This work will support ongoing efforts by the city to upgrade LPWRF operations to meet growth demands and identify, design, and complete preliminary engineering development on these projects in preparation for further funding opportunities as such becomes available.
- Lakehaven Water and Sewer District Preliminary Engineering for Redondo Wastewater Treatment Plant Flow Diversion and Outfall Capacity Improvements: Prepare preliminary engineering documents and design drawings for the selected diversion and outfall capacity alternatives following the current feasibility level analyses that are ongoing. The Engineering Report and drawings would further develop and define the preferred alternative(s) and are a required step in the process. Once completed, the goal is to eliminate wet weather emergency relief events at the Redondo WWTP.
- Town of Coupeville Reclaimed Water Feasibility Study: Update the 2010 Reclaimed Water Feasibility Study. Review existing study, water quality, and quantity data to identify reuse potential. Develop conceptual design and materials lists, solicit construction quotes for trenchless pipelines and develop a budgetary cost estimate for all construction. Develop an operation and maintenance cost estimate and potential water sale value. Phase two of this work will involve implementing supported action(s) identified in the feasibility study that can lead to shellfish bed classification upgrades in Penn Cove.
Proposals are funded through the Washington State Department of Health's Shellfish Strategic Initiative with EPA Puget Sound Geographic Funds. Investment priorities are guided by the Shellfish Strategic Initiative Advisory Team (SIAT), referencing the Puget Sound Partnership’s 2022-2026 Action Agenda for Puget Sound, the Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy, and EPA's Funding Guidance to the Strategic Initiative Leads.
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Did you know?
There is an open opportunity for funding under this same priority for FFY 2023 EPA Puget Sound Geographic Program funds.
- The Shellfish SIL has up to $4.5 million to award across four priorities – $200,000 to $1 million per proposal.
- Investment Priorities include On-site Sewage System (OSS) management, livestock manure management, Pollution Identification and Correction (PIC) work, and addressing impacts from wastewater treatment plants on shellfish bed classification.
- This solicitation will be open for 8 weeks - applications are due October 20, 2023, by 11:59pm PT.
You can learn more here:
- Shellfish SIL RFP webpage:
- Applicant webinar: September 18, 2023, from 10:00 – 11:30am (Zoom link)