The Shellfish Strategic Initiative is excited to announce a public comment period for the updated Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy.
The comment period is open April 11 through May 26, 2023.
- Click here to view the draft for public comment: 2023 Shellfish Beds IS
- Download the comment instructions and form: Public comment form
The Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy outlines a recovery plan to accelerate progress towards restoring and protecting harvestable shellfish beds by preventing and reducing pathogen pollution. This update builds on the first edition by:
- Translating the 2015 version of the Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy into the updated structure and format, in order to create a consistent framework across all Puget Sound Implementation Strategies.
- Ensuring that all standard sections are complete, or pathways for completion are recommended, according to PSP’s “Guidelines for Developing an Implementation Strategy v.2”.
- Collaborating with partners to identify gaps, capture ongoing programs and propose new activities and programs to be represented in recovery approaches.
- Contributing to the 2022-2026 Action Agenda with up to date recovery outcomes, strategies, and activities for reducing pressures and barriers of shellfish bed recovery and protection in Puget Sound.
- Integrating Human Dimensions and Climate Change considerations.
- Providing a complete and up to date version for the Shellfish Strategic Initiative Lead, Advisory Team and broader recovery community to use.

Dosewallips State Park, Rob Banes (DOH)
The Shellfish Strategic Initiative thanks the many partners who participated in this two-year update process and helped in refining and improving the Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy. We look forward to continuing to work towards solutions and pursuing progress of harvestable shellfish beds with the Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy as our guide.
Did you Know?
How do Implementation Strategies fit into Puget Sound Recovery?
Implementation Strategies are plans for achieving specific ecosystem targets for the Puget Sound Vital Sign indicators. The Vital Sign indicators are like a human’s blood pressure reading that indicate or reflect the health of the patient. Implementation Strategies are like the treatment plan to achieve better health - they describe the sequence of steps, activities, and results needed to move closer to a recovery goal.
The 2022-2026 Action Agenda charts the course for Puget Sound recovery as our community's shared plan for advancing protection and restoration efforts across the region. The update Action Agenda strategies related to shellfish bed classification aligns directly with the strategies in the Shellfish Beds Implementation Strategy.