We have created a new way to browse and view all the Strategic Initiative funded projects across habitat, shellfish and stormwater. Use the sortable, searchable table on our Funded Projects page to learn more about the funded projects, including factsheets and final reports. You can search and filter by year, Strategic Initiative, or even add your Local Integrating Organization to find out more about the LIO Direct Awards.

Over the last five years, we worked closely with each of our Strategic Initiative Advisory Teams to select a suite of actions to invest in with EPA National Estuary Program (NEP) Geographic Funds (commonly known as NEP Funds) to advance Puget Sound recovery goals described in the Action Agenda for Puget Sound. We are proud to share with you the accomplishments of our grant recipients. They have done a tremendous amount of work to that build capacity and make progress on priority habitat, shellfish, and stormwater protection and restoration goals.
Did you know?
We align our funding with our Implementation Strategies to advance and accelerate progress towards recovery goals. Implementation Strategies are plans for achieving specific ecosystem targets for the Puget Sound Vital Sign indicators. They describe the sequence of steps, activities, and results needed to move closer to a recovery goal. There are currently Implementation Strategies that target nine Vital Signs: B-IBI, Chinook, Floodplains and Estuaries, Land Development and Cover, Marine Water Quality, Shellfish Beds, Shoreline Armoring, and Toxics in Fish.
Interested in diving into any of those topics? Find more about the specific Implementation Strategies.