The Strategic Initiative Leads for Habitat, Stormwater and Shellfish are pleased to share our FFY2019 Strategic Initiative Advisory Team (SIAT) Funding Recommendations and LIO-selected NTAs for National Estuary Program (NEP) Geographic Funds.
Join us for the public Boards webinar from 10:30am-12:30pm on January 7th, 2020!
Click here to join the webinar (Access code: 278 784 571);
Call-in (phone number: 415-655-0001) (Access code: 278 784 571)
This is the fourth year of NEP funding through the Strategic Initiatives, and the second year funding Near Term Actions (NTAs) from the 2018-2022 Action Agenda. Awards are made annually from EPA to the Strategic Initiatives, pending Congressional authorization, and the majority of these funds are then directed by the SIATs to pass-through grants based upon EPA Funding Guidance. Each funding recommendation narrative describes the relevant Strategic Initiative, the process for selecting, deliberating, and deciding upon the recommendation, and an accompanying list of NTAs that the SIAT recommends for funding.
A public comment period is open through January 13, 2020. Comments can be emailed to the relevant Strategic Initiative Leads listed below. Additionally, we look forward to having a dialogue with the Puget Sound Partnership Boards on January 7, 2020 from 10:30am -12:30pm where we will discuss the funding recommendations within the context of each Strategic Initiative’s portfolio of work.
Please contact the Strategic Initiative Leads for more information:
Habitat: Cynthia Catton,; Jennifer Griffiths,
Stormwater: Derek Day,
Shellfish: Audrey Coyne, audrey; Clara Hard,
The recommendations are also accessible via the Partnership’s SI Leads website.
Did you know: The Strategic Initiatives manage and develop Implementation Strategies to achieve ecosystem targets for the Puget Sound Vital Sign indicators. Implementation Strategies were the basis of the solicitation for Near Term Actions through 2018-2022 Action Agenda Regional Priorities.