The Puget Sound Strategic Initiative Leads (SILs) are pleased to announce the Stormwater and Shellfish chapters of the joint Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan.
King County’s Department of Natural Resources and Parks recently completed an analysis of existing data to assess how past stormwater management may have affected freshwater quality. Their analysis suggests that the period of time in which urban development occurred is a good indicator of potential water quality impacts on aquatic species.
On June 1, the Stormwater SIL announced $3.5 million in funding for projects to study and clean up toxic chemicals in Puget Sound. $2 million is still available for projects to prevent long-lasting toxic chemicals from entering local waters.
The new issue of Making Waves, the Puget Sound Partnership’s online magazine, features updates from the Shellfish, Stormwater, and Habitat Strategic Initiatives for Puget Sound recovery.
In a new video for Puget Sound Day on the Hill, project leaders from communities across the Sound share how EPA funding enables them to protect and restore our shared waters.
The Shellfish Strategic Initiative Lead (SIL) has opened a Request for Proposals to reduce impacts of Wastewater Treatment Plant outfalls to increase harvestable shellfish acreage in Puget Sound.
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