The Stormwater Strategic Initiative is excited to announce a public comment period for the Marine Water Quality Implementation Strategy (MWQ-IS).
The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead is investing an additional $1 million in three projects to advance Puget Sound habitat recovery.
The Shellfish Strategic Initiative Lead (SIL) is pleased to announce the funding recommendation for the 2024 Request for Proposals (RFP) to increase harvestable shellfish acreage in Puget Sound. $6 million from EPA’s Puget Sound Geographic Funds will support 9 proposals.
The Stormwater Strategic Initiative is announcing a competitive Request for Proposals for a Model Ordinance Clearinghouse, helping local jurisdictions with templates and technical resources for implementing strong water quality policies.
This year, the Strategic Initiative Leads (SILs) completed final reports summarizing our first eight years of planning and investments in transformative actions for Puget Sound lands, waters, fish, and people. We’re proud to share these “SIL 1.0” Synthesis Reports celebrating over 230 projects and the work of dozens of dedicated partners under our first EPA
The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead announces $1.75 million in Puget Sound habitat recovery investments.
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