Participate in development of the Marine Vegetation Implementation Strategy

By Rachel Latchford

March 11, 2025

The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead (HSIL) is excited to begin partner engagement for the development of the Marine Vegetation Implementation Strategy. HSIL will be hosting a virtual workshop where participants can learn more about the Implementation Strategy and provide input on kelp and eelgrass priorities.



HSIL is developing a Marine Vegetation Implementation Strategy, which will describe priority strategies to protect and recover kelp and eelgrass in Puget Sound. The Implementation Strategy will also help guide Puget Sound investments and align recovery opportunities across agencies and programs.  

The Implementation Strategy will build off a foundation established through two regional plans, the Puget Sound Eelgrass Recovery Strategy and the Puget Sound Kelp Conservation and Restoration Plan and coalesce the priorities and needs from both plans into a comprehensive strategy. Implementation Strategy development will include identifying and assessing ongoing efforts within the existing recovery plans and engaging with Tribes, partners, and stakeholders to understand needs and opportunities that are best supported and amplified through a formalized Implementation Strategy.   

Upcoming Workshop

HSIL will be hosting a virtual workshop on April 23rd and 24th to gather input from the Puget Sound recovery community. The workshop will provide a deep dive into the draft strategies and allow participants to provide input to help shape the final Implementation Strategy. 

Register here! 

  • April 23, 2025, 9:30am-12:30pm 
    • Focus will be on the research and monitoring strategy  
    • Opportunity to prioritize research questions  
    • Offered in partnership with the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program – Nearshore Workgroup
  • April 24, 2025, 9:30 am–4:00pm 
    • Focus will be on the protection, restoration and education and outreach strategies  
    • Additional opportunity to prioritize research questions 

We welcome a broad group of participants interested in advancing Puget Sound kelp and eelgrass including the following: nonprofit entities, local government, Tribes and Tribal consortia, state agencies, federal agencies, local organizations (e.g. conservation districts, local management boards, lead entities, marine resource committees), academic institutions, for-profit organizations. Additional information with logistics and a detailed program will be emailed to participants prior. 

Why Marine Vegetation?

Kelp and eelgrass are vital to the health of Puget Sound. These species provide critical habitat for a wide array of marine life found in Puget Sound, including forage fish, rockfish, and salmon, and fuel food webs that support healthy bird and marine mammal populations. Additionally, kelp holds important cultural significance to indigenous peoples of the broader Pacific Northwest and offers economic benefits through activities like fishing, diving, and tourism.

Key Strategies

The Marine Vegetation Implementation Strategy will focus on the following strategies from the Puget Sound Eelgrass Recovery Strategy and the Puget Sound Kelp Conservation and Restoration Plan:  

  • Research: Understand and reduce environmental and human-caused stressors  
  • Protection: Conserve and protect priority areas for kelp and eelgrass  
  • Restoration: Restore degraded eelgrass beds and kelp forests  
  • Education: Expand education and outreach to user groups and communities 
A kelp bed on the surface of the water

Implementation Strategy Development Timeline

  • May 2024 – December 2024: Internal planning, initiate conversations with Tribes and partners interested in kelp and eelgrass conservation and recovery efforts.   
  • January 2025 – June 2025: Iterative strategy development and coordinated input through existing workgroups and local organizations. Content will also inform 2026-30 Action Agenda development.  
  • July 2025 - December 2025: Public and partner review of draft strategy.  
  • December 2025: Strategy finalized. 

Other ways to be Involved

More information will be available in the near future on our Marine Vegetation webpage. You can also sign up for our Marine Vegetation email list to stay updated on the development of the Implementation Strategy. 


Contact Bree Turner, Marine Vegetation Implementation Strategy Lead, at 

Did you know?

How do Implementation Strategies fit into Puget Sound Recovery? 

Implementation Strategies are plans for achieving specific ecosystem targets for the Puget Sound Vital Sign indicators. The Vital Sign indicators are like a human’s blood pressure reading that indicate or reflect the health of the patient. Implementation Strategies are like the treatment plan to achieve better health - they describe the sequence of steps, activities, and results needed to move closer to a recovery goal. 
