Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead announces December Investment List

By Rachel Latchford

December 20, 2024

The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead announces $1.75 million in Puget Sound habitat recovery investments. 


The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead (HSIL) is pleased to announce the investment of approximately $1.75 million of EPA Puget Sound Funds into 5 proposals to advance Puget Sound habitat recovery. 

The Investment List includes successful proposals in response to the Summer 2024 Request for Proposals to implement the 2022-2026 Action Agenda and Habitat Implementation Strategies. Investments are distributed across two investment priorities that support healthy shorelines:

  • Restoration effectiveness of soft shore alternatives to hard armor 
  • Planning for sea level rise and climate related hazards to nearshore habitat 

These investment priorities were recommended by the Habitat Strategic Initiative Advisory Team to address systemic barriers and advance critical pathways in the Habitat Implementation Strategies. 

Complementing these investments, HSIL hosted a Sea Level Rise Forum earlier this fall that brought together restoration practitioners, planners, and researchers to discuss impacts from sea level rise to nearshore habitat and communities in Puget Sound.  

Check out this WDFW article for more information about the forum and funded projects. 

Did you know?

In addition to distributing EPA Puget Sound Funds for habitat restoration and protection projects, HSIL also works to convene partners across the Puget Sound recovery system to discuss and address barriers to achieving habitat recovery goals.  
