By Dustin Bilhimer

August 7, 2024

Are you concerned about toxic chemicals in products you buy every day, but aren’t sure which products are non-toxic and safe for you and your family? 

Do you want to save time scouring the internet for reliable information to help you make good consumer choices? 

Do you want to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones? 


We can help you out!

Since 2016, the Stormwater SIL, with input from people with on-the-ground knowledge of toxics and environmental quality in the Puget Sound recovery network, have invested millions of National Estuary Program and EPA Geographic Funds into research and monitoring, local stormwater infrastructure, and local programs to help cities and counties serve their residents better. 

Millions more are being invested over the next several years (see the 2024 Investment Plan from the Strategic Initiative Leads). However, when it comes down to making the biggest impact, our individual consumer choices can either continue adding to the toxic burdens we have to clean up now and in the future, or our individual choices can be immediate steps to improve our health and eliminate toxic exposure to ourselves and our shared environment. 

Consumer choices and demand patterns send an important signal to manufacturers that dangerous and disease-initiating toxic chemicals have no place in consumer products. This can lead to shifts in industry practice and also serves an important pollution prevention role.

Helpful consumer information is just a click away

We have heard through our network of partners and practitioners that consumer information is not easily available, is fractionated, or is of suspect quality. In response, we assembled a list of online informational resources to help you learn about and become more empowered in your choices for safer, non-toxic consumer products in your home or business. There is a plethora of trustworthy sources included in this carefully curated list, and we will include more in the future as we find them. 

Washington State is a national leader in taking actions to identify toxics in consumer products, and creating innovative policies and regulations to protect the health of people and the environment (Washington’s toxics in products laws). Consumers and their choices are powerful allies in this regulatory structure and that power comes from what we choose to buy and bring into our homes and businesses. 

We hope that every reader learns at least one new thing they can apply to their everyday lives, and together our combined choices can make a big difference to improve the health of Puget Sound and ourselves. 

Curated by Heidi Siegelbaum and Dustin Bilhimer (Stormwater SIL)
