This post announces the release of the Stormwater and Shellfish chapters of the Strategic Initiatives' 2023 Investment Plan

By Audrey Coyne

July 24, 2023

The Puget Sound Strategic Initiative Leads (SILs) are pleased to announce the Stormwater and Shellfish chapters of the joint Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan


The Plan highlights investment areas across the SILs that will be the focus of competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) grant processes to award EPA Puget Sound Geographic Program Funds to the Puget Sound recovery community. 

The Habitat SIL and Cross-cutting Investment Priorities chapters will be released in Fall 2023.

Strategic Initiatives' 2023 Investment Plan Stormwater and Shellfish chapters released announcement

Recreational shellfish harvesters at Tolmie State Park

The Stormwater and Shellfish chapters are the result of work by the Stormwater and Shellfish Strategic Initiative Advisory Teams and are based on years of analysis, research and other regional plans that connect to the Implementation Strategies guiding each SIL. Each Advisory Team endorsed a suite of Investment Priorities to accelerate recovery in the areas of Stormwater and Shellfish through processes established in the EPA Funding Guidance to the SILs.

Read the published chapters here: Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan.

Stormwater Chapter

The Stormwater Strategic Initiative Advisory Team has directed $8.1 million of our FFY2023 EPA Puget Sound Geographic Program funds toward six new Investment Priorities. These priorities will support communities around Puget Sound in taking actions to improve freshwater and marine water quality and reduce toxics in fish. Investment priorities for the BIBI Implementation Strategy include multiple approaches to improve stormwater planning and management, through integration into local Comprehensive Planning, climate resiliency projects, enhanced system maintenance, and a central resource for model policies and best practices. Investment priorities for the Toxics in Fish Implementation Strategy include opportunities to pilot innovative best management practices in toxic hotspots and funding to accelerate the development of new stormwater parks. Finally, we are conducting broad engagement with a wide community of practitioners, stakeholders, and rights holders to workshop additional recommendations for wastewater treatment under the Marine Water Quality Implementation Strategy, as well as watershed-based land use planning, compliance, and incentives programs related to the BIBI Implementation Strategy. The Stormwater SIL’s investment plan reserves $3 million to begin implementing the forthcoming recommendations of these workshops. For more information about participating in the workshops, sign up here.

Shellfish Chapter

The Shellfish Strategic Initiative Advisory Team endorsed four Investment Priorities for investment of FFY2023 EPA Puget Sound Geographic Program funds aimed at accelerating progress towards the Shellfish Beds Vital Sign indicator target in achieving an annual net increase in harvestable shellfish beds by preventing and reducing fecal pollution in Puget Sound. Priorities include reducing fecal pollution by supporting onsite sewage system (OSS) management, livestock manure management work, and Pollution Identification and Correction (PIC) programs. The fourth priority includes supporting planning and upgrades of wastewater treatment plants that will lead to shellfish bed classification upgrades around outfalls.

Did you Know?

Congress passed a funding bill that provided $54 million in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2023 for EPA's Puget Sound Geographic Program, a $19 million increase over the previous fiscal year and nearly double the amount from as recently as three years ago. The EPA Puget Sound Geographic Program helps fund implementation of the Puget Sound Action Agenda, the long-term plan for Puget Sound recovery developed by the Puget Sound Partnership and many partners.

The Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan outlines what the SILs EPA Puget Sound Geographic funds will target for programs, activities, and lines of work that advance Puget Sound recovery and protection.

Read the Puget Sound Partnership’s News Release here: Congress substantially increases funding for Puget Sound recovery
