Mark your calendars for new funding opportunities to open soon on this website.
The Stormwater and Shellfish Strategic Initiative Leads (SILs) will be opening solicitations for competitive Request for Proposals (RFPs) starting in August 2023, to implement priorities identified in the joint Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan for EPA’s Puget Sound Geographic Program Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Funds.
Subscribe to the Puget Sound National Estuary RFP website blog for news on each RFP for Stormwater, Shellfish and Habitat SILs straight to your inbox.
Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead RFP
The Stormwater chapter of the Investment Plan includes $11.1 million in total new allocations for the Investment Priorities under Freshwater Quality (BIBI), Toxics in Fish (TIF), and Marine Water Quality. Each Investment Priority has a description and types of projects that will be part of upcoming Request For Proposals (RFP).
Beginning in August, RFPs will be opening for projects that address the following priorities:
- BIBI Priority A: Sound Choices Comprehensive Planning: Support Comprehensive Planning guidance development and implementation, process improvements, and capacity for technical assistance and community engagement to achieve Puget Sound recovery objectives. Up to $600,000 total investment.
- BIBI Priority B: Increase Climate Resiliency in Stormwater Management by supporting stormwater infrastructure analysis, retrofit planning, and program development at the local level. Up to $1 million total investment.
- TIF Priority A: Innovative Best Management Practices Installations for Toxic Chemicals in Hotspots and Transportation Areas: Focus on innovative techniques and pilot efforts for BMP installation in toxic chemical hotspots and transportation environments. Up to $1.5 million total investment.

Stormwater Park, Olympia
In addition to the Investment Priorities, the Stormwater SIL, in partnership with the other SIL teams and Ross Strategic, will be hosting working sessions on key topics that impact the work of the recovery community across different sectors and jurisdictions. Topics include cross-jurisdictional integrated land use planning, compliance and incentives for improved land use, and visioning the future of wastewater. Sign up here to learn more about these upcoming engagement opportunities.
If you have any questions about the Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead investment priorities, feel free to contact the team lead, Derek Day.
Shellfish Strategic Initiative Lead RFP
The Shellfish SIL is releasing one comprehensive RFP targeting the four Shellfish investment priorities outlined in the joint Strategic Initiatives’ 2023 Investment Plan:
- Support wastewater management from small Onsite Sewage Systems (OSS) and Large On-site Sewage Systems (LOSS), and septage disposal needs to reduce fecal pollution impacts on the Shellfish Beds Vital Sign target.
- Advance technical assistance, education, and research to motivate agricultural land users to voluntarily reduce livestock/animal manure runoff impacting the Shellfish Beds Vital Sign target, and support regulatory programs to effectively require compliance.
- Fund, develop, implement, and establish effective local and tribal nations pollution identification and correction (PIC) programs.
- Integrate shellfish bed classification priorities in municipal and domestic (sewage) wastewater facility function, planning and/or upgrades in incorporated, unincorporated, and rural areas to reduce disease-causing bacteria and viruses impacting the Shellfish Beds Vital Sign target.

Oyster bed at low tide, Tolmie State Park.
Shellfish RFP Details
- This RFP will open August 24, 2023.
- This Shellfish RFP Solicitation will be open for 8 weeks, applications are due October 20, 2023, by 11:59pm.
- Shellfish has up to $4.5 million to award across the four priorities.
- This amount available may be updated in final RFP when released.
- Proposed project durations are 2-3.5yrs.
Investments will be prioritized that contribute to the Shellfish Bed Vital Sign target in geographic areas with potential acreage gain and/or protection of areas threatened to be downgraded on the Threatened Growing Area List, especially those with a likelihood of success within the next five years.
EPA Puget Sound Geographic Funds Investment Priorities
While focusing on the target goal of the SIL’s investment priorities, how proposed work addresses Tribal Treaty Rights, climate resilience and adaptation, and environmental justice will be considered. Priority will be given to proposals that help address these aspects over similarly ranked proposals that do not address these issues.
- Tribal Treaty Rights: Consider how the work enhances tribal shellfish harvest opportunities. Are local tribes and tribal priorities included in the work? For more information, refer to the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission’s Tribal Habitat Strategy. If you are not a tribal nation, consider contacting your local Tribe(s) for additional information and to discuss including them in your proposal development as a partner.
- Climate change adaptation: Consider how the work supports taking action to prepare for and adjust to current and projected impacts of climate change.
- Environmental justice: Consider the impacts of environmental justice, environmental health, and disproportional impacts and opportunities for influence and participation. Refer to the Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map, EPA’s EJ Screen tool for geographically-specific information, or other tools and research that may emerge.
Eligible applicants
Local governments, non-profit organizations, state agencies, tribes, tribal consortia, institutions of higher learning, and special purpose districts are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity.
Did you know?
There are numerous connections between the Shellfish Beds and Marine Water Quality Implementation Strategy pathways toward recovery goals, led by the Shellfish and Stormwater Strategic Initiatives. Shared approaches include addressing wastewater treatment plant discharges and on-site sewage system management.
The Stormwater Strategic Initiative, supported by the Shellfish Strategic Initiative, is seeking input from the community to help develop future investment priorities to improve wastewater treatment to positively impact on water quality in Puget Sound. Sign up here to learn more about these upcoming engagement opportunities occurring through fall 2023.