The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) National Estuary Program has made substantive investments in Puget Sound, which our recovery community has benefited from for many years. And we're excited to talk about how this past effort has informed our upcoming work to support Puget Sound recovery.
The funding landscape has evolved a bit over the years:
- Between 2011 and 2015, funding was given to what’s called “Lead Organizations,” or LOs, which issued targeted requests for proposals. The results of this work can be accessed at the Puget Sound Institute Document Library.
- Between 2016 and 2020 the three Strategic Initiative Leads (SILs- Habitat, Shellfish, and Stormwater) developed Implementation Strategies, and funding was allocated to Action Agenda Near Term Actions (NTAs) or project-level applications (including research, pilots, program refinement, or development, and engagement).
- Currently, from 2021 to 2025, we are advancing both Implementation Strategies and Action Agenda priorities (the “Roadmap” for Puget Sound recovery) through targeted Requests for Proposals (RFPs) which are built based on annual Investment Plans. You can access the first Investment Plan here.

The work undertaken through the Investment Plan and RFPs is intended to convene, create and support collaborative partnerships to advance technical and policy initiatives and to inspire action on the ground. What is colloquially referred to as “SILs 2.0,” are the next generation of approaches, via Workplans signed with EPA, that will go deeper into centering equity, environmental justice, climate change, and operationalizing the Implementation Strategies.
This is an exciting time for the entire region and we look forward to the energetic, innovative, and smart ideas folks will bring to the table.
EPA Funding Guidance

Kelp forests provide critical refuge, feeding, and nursery grounds for forage fish, rockfish, and salmon. Photo Credit: Gray McKenna
Each year, EPA revises its Funding Guidance for the NEP funds. The current funding guidance this year places an emphasis on addressing, climate change, tribal treaty rights, diversity/equity/inclusion, and environmental justice.
Stay Informed on Puget Sound Recovery
Did You Know?
NEP Funds are aimed at investing in traditionally difficult-to-fund actions that catalyze Puget Sound recovery. Strategic Initiative Leads have been investing in Puget Sound recovery since 2016. Learn more the new process to distribute NEP funds through competitive, Request For Proposals in the SILs Funding Process Summary.