Water is our lifeblood.
Water is what connects us all to Puget Sound.
Most people don’t know what we have lost. Those that do have a responsibility to tell their story.
Here is their story.
Lifeblood shows how groups historically at odds with one another are finding ways to come together for a better future in the Pacific Northwest. The environmental problems we face today are rooted in the context of our histories. This documentary explores how four groups of people – anglers, indigenous tribes, farmers, and scientists – are moving beyond mistrust to find ways to come together for a better future in the Pacific Northwest.
Our Promise
On Earth Day especially, we want to feel connected to the places we love. The places highlighted in the video represent some of the cherished gems of the Puget Sound region. The beautiful landscape along with the friendly faces of the people working to protect it is one of the most inspiring things we could share today. Watching this video may be the perfect way for you hear from others about what has been lost on a day for Mother Earth. It may also inspire you into action. We promise to keep bringing people together- clean food, clean water, and more salmon in our streams.
Count the familiar faces of passionate people working together that you know! (We spotted our own Julie Watson).
We recommend you take a moment on this Earth Day along with us to remind yourself of how connected you are to the water in your local community. We all rely on the resources in our state. This beautiful video was produces by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program and directed and filmed by CaravanLab.
Did you know?
The Habitat Strategic Initiative has been working with the Snohomish Sustainable Lands Strategy and partners to build an Agricultural Resilience Strategy, and start working towards a sustainable future for Puget Sound. Those are great places to start if you would like to learn more about what you can do today, and everyday.