We are pleased to share the draft 2021 updated Habitat Implementation Strategies’ narratives for your feedback.
Implementation Strategies are plans for achieving specific ecosystem targets for the Puget Sound Vital Sign indicators. They describe the sequence of steps, activities, and results needed to move closer to recovery goals. The Habitat Strategic Initiative is the lead for four of the Puget Sound Vital Signs: Estuaries, Floodplains, Land Cover and Development, and Shoreline Armoring.
Our goal is to ensure that the Habitat Implementation Strategies are cohesive and mutually supportive, so that the content can guide coordinated recovery planning and implementation in Puget Sound. Each of the Habitat Implementation Strategies was originally developed at different times and by different entities, while the standardized format for all the Implementation Strategies were being developed. The HSIL has been working on a coordinated update of these Implementation Strategies. The focus of the 2021 Status Updates are the Implementation Strategy Narratives.

Our Goals for the Update to the Habitat Implementation Strategies by June 2021
- Narratives will follow a standardized format and organization
- All required sections will be completed, or pathways toward completion will be recommended
- Implementation outcomes of the Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead team will be described and incorporated, including Near Term Action investments and team capacity efforts
- Additional goals specific to each Implementation Strategy
The Habitat SI Would Like Your Feedback
We will be accepting feedback on these draft updates from April 15th to May 15th. Each Implementation Strategy has been set up with a comment form and specific instructions on how to submit your comments. Please return your completed feedback form by May 15, 2021 through the process outlined in the comment form. You will receive an automatic confirmation of a successful upload upon submission.
Visit the 2021 Habitat Implementation Strategies landing page for access to the draft narratives and further information.
About the Habitat SI
The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead (Habitat SI) is co-led by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Natural Resources. The Habitat SI is a planning and grant program advancing habitat protection and restoration as a part of the Puget Sound Estuary National Estuary Program.
General questions
Jennifer Griffiths (jennifer.griffiths@dfw.wa.gov) and Cynthia Catton (cynthia.catton@dnr.wa.gov)
Implementation Strategies
Floodplains and Estuaries: Cynthia Catton (cynthia.catton@dnr.wa.gov)
Land Development and Cover: Libby Gier (libby.gier@dnr.wa.gov)
Shoreline Armoring: Jennifer Griffiths (jennifer.griffiths@dfw.wa.gov)
Cynthia Harbison (cynthia.harbison@dfw.wa.gov)