The Shellfish Strategic Initiative Lead is pleased to share our Climate
Change Research Project Funding Recommendations in response to the Request for
Proposals: Preparing for Climate Change Risks to Shellfish and Public Health (RFP)
issued this spring. The recommendations are accessible at: Shellfish
Climate Change Research Funding Recommendations.
This unique funding opportunity addresses a Shellfish SI work
plan subtask specifically to select applied research projects
that assess and address climate change impacts to shellfish, marine water
quality and public health. A total of $150,000 was available to fund projects
responding to this RFP.
Please contact the Shellfish Strategic Initiative Lead for more information: Clara Hard,

Did you know: While
this climate change RFP addresses a separate work plan task our co-operative
agreement with EPA, the Shellfish Strategic Initiative primarily focuses on
increasing harvestable shellfish beds through its annual allocation of NEP
Geographic Funds. The 2018 funding recommendations are available here.