The Incentivizing Healthy Shorelines Workshop on May 2, 2018 fostered thoughtful dialogue and recommendations for developing funding solutions for shoreline incentive programs and the projects these programs identify. The Habitat Strategic Initiative and partners have tried our best to turn the work and recommendations generated from the workshop into meaningful outcomes. Below is the summary of the work that was catalyzed:
Action: Presentation to Ecosystem Coordination Board (ECB) on Incentivizing Healthy Shorelines workshop ideas and recommendations (May 17, 2018). Outcome: ECB “Incentivizing healthy shorelines” subcommittee formed. The subcommittee met to review and discuss the ideas generated from the May 2nd workshop.
Action: ECB subcommittee recommendations made to the ECB (August 23, 2018). Outcome: ECB unanimously approved subcommittee recommendations with minor edits.
Action: ECB wrote to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to request that funding support for “Shore Friendly-type” programs be included in the Department’s 2019-2021 decision package. Outcome: WDFW included support for local Shore Friendly-type programs on the Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program’s (ESRP) funding request with year 1 funding at the $10 million appropriation level and year 2 funding at the $20 million appropriation level. See the ESRP Shore Friendly memo for more details.
Action: ECB recommended funding a feasibility study on developing a revolving loan fund. Outcome: The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead is bringing this recommendation to their Advisory Team during FY2018 funding deliberations.
Action: ECB recommended exploring the expansion of a real estate excise tax in Puget Sound Counties following the example of San Juan County. Outcome: ECB members will hear a presentation on the San Juan County example at the October 25, 2018 meeting.
Action: ECB subcommittee members and PSP conveyed the ECB recommendations to the Southern Resident Killer Whale Task Force. Outcome: The Final Report included the following recommendation: “Develop incentives to encourage voluntary actions to protect habitat.” The implementation of the recommendation focused on increasing financial assistance to incentive programs, including relevant existing programs such as Shore Friendly.
The Ecosystem Coordination Board (ECB) is energized to continue improving the context and opportunity for Puget Sound shoreline recovery. Their subcommittee also made recommendations on policy and regulatory areas where the ECB can engage to help accelerate shoreline recovery.
Did you know: Each action and outcome listed above were catalyzed by the Shoreline Armoring Implementation Strategy. The strategy highlights the need for long-term funding for existing programs and projects. All of these actions are ways in which the Habitat Strategic Initiative and partners are trying to turn strategy recommendations into a reality.