By Libby Gier

January 2, 2019

Exciting news!  Some of the projects that the Habitat Strategic Initiative (SI) awarded 2016 or 2017 NEP funds to are now in Governor Inslee’s recently released budget. One of the goals of the NEP program is to use funds to pilot or stimulate innovative work and then to transition those projects to alternative funding sources once proven successful. The Habitat SI and our partners collectively worked to request state funds to help secure stable funding for many projects.

We are happy to report that the following programs are represented in Governor Inslee’s 2019-2021 budget:

*this is a legacy program from the Marine and Nearshore LO but has received continued support from the Habitat SI via the Shoreline Armoring Implementation Strategy

Did you know: The Strategic Initiative Advisory Teams are currently working hard to determine timely, necessary actions in line with the Puget Sound Action Agenda to achieve habitat, stormwater, and shellfish recovery in the next few years. A selection of projects and associated budgets chosen to receive 2018 NEP funds will be released in the coming months.

Stay tuned!
